New course bundles!

We are proud to announce two new course bundles from VIPTC! Our newest mini-course features five modules on infection prevention and control for dialysis settings plus an additional bonus course focused on antibiotic stewardship in hemodialysis facilities. View our Mini-Course for Dialysis here.

Our courses specifically designed for long-term care settings include four courses: Infection Prevention and Control Strategies in Long-Term Care Parts 1 & 2, Isolation and Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Long-Term Care, and Antimicrobial Stewardship for Long-Term Care Settings. View our LTC courses here.


Comprehensive infection prevention education by experience level.


For professionals with little to no experience or training in infection prevention.


For professionals with moderate experience and training in infection prevention.


For professionals with significant experience and training in infection prevention.

Which Level Am I?

Not sure which courses to take? Determine the best level for your learning needs.

Comprehensive infection prevention education by specialty setting.

VIPTC also offers targeted infection prevention education specific to facility type and population in acute care, outpatient, and congregate care settings.

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Coming soon! Infection prevention and control courses for dialysis, dental, and long-term care settings. Join our mailing list and be the first to hear when new courses are released!